Saturday 2 January 2016

Sagittarius January 2016

31 January

Isn't it rather funny (and perhaps a touch pathetic) that others think they can take advantage of you? Don't laugh too soon--keep on your toes.

30 January

Double check your facts before opening your rap, Sagittarius. Your imagination is getting the better of you.

29 January

Feeling valued amongst friends and acquaintances is all well and good but how do you really feel about these people? Make sure you like them back if you're going to choose to spend time with them.

28 January

There's a lot of previously concealed issues that are coming out into the open. Fortunately, you have all the right people to help you to cope with them.

27 January

You're being a little oversensitive for once in your life. Things aren't as bad as you seem to think--others are just getting you to do the dirty work.

26 January

Responsibility can bring you many things: honour, prestige and perhaps even a little more jingle in your pocket. But what is the true cost and is it something you can afford?

25 January

If there's anything that can make you a little nervous, it's the thought that anyone might take away your most valued resources: your freedom.

24 January

Your faith has been tested these past few weeks and you have given your beliefs some serious re-consideration. It’s now time to begin to discuss you new ideas with others.

23 January

Lots of people have an opinion about how you should be spending your money. It's totally up to you whether you want to listen to them.

22 January

Over the next month, you will no need help in expressing your views. But perhaps you should also consider your reputation and how others view you.

21 January

To some people you seem all sweetness and light and are therefore very attracted to you. However, others have the distinct impression you are up to something.

20 January

Be on your best behaviour today. You are being sounded out for bigger things. Watch out for the watchers.

19 January

You really need to pull yourself together. Your imagination is running wild and playing havoc with your emotions--bear that in mind when you feel yourself starting to over-react.

18 January

Today is a good day to pay attention to all those little jobs you've been neglecting. Yes, it's time to tidy up your bedroom!

17 January

Expressing your true emotions has never been easy for you--but now is the time to let them know what you really think (and dream about!).

16 January

Speculate to accumulate? You'd better believe it! Get in there and strike while the iron is still hot.

15 January

Being paid what you're worth can often mean giving up something you value--like your freedom. Think carefully before you commit.

Astrology special on David Bowie here

For info on personal consultations via Skype, contact AstroAlex1984 and mention Don't Sweat It, Planet.

14 January

You might think today is made to spend money. Unfortunately it isn't. Hold off on splurging or live to regret it.

13 January

Be careful Sagittarius, you might actual feel something today. And like all feelings, not all of them tickle. Be good to yourself.

12 January

It's been difficult for you to express what you're really feeling. Today is a great day to take that risk and tell someone how you really feel.

11 January

Waking up from uneasy dreams can make you feel anxious all day. Spend some of the morning finding your feet again.

10 January

As you look around at your possessions, it will helpful to ask, "do I own these things or do they own me?" Act accordingly.

9 January

In the final day before the new moon, it is a good idea to examine the things that are most precious to you. Do these values continue to serve their purposes?

8 January

Double check everything you want to say. Or you will definitely get some responses you won't like.

7 January

Confusion reigns today and you are right in the thick of it. Be clear about what it is that you want and sure about what you can offer.

6 January

No one could ever accuse you of being unromantic. But even you are surprised by your clever displays of affection.

5 January

Gosh, that cost you more than you bargained for! Next time ask for the price first.

4 January

You've always been one to speak your mind. But perhaps for today you can use a little intuition before you open your mouth.

3 January

It's a great day to do some writing or maybe just hanging out with people from your local community. You're feeling very sociable and in the mood for some light heated banter.

2 January

Today your thoughts turn to your own personal happiness: what really makes you feel content? Indulge yourself.

1 January

To some people money is a dirty word: it creates conflicts, discomfort and even obligations and responsibilities to people you might not choose to have to contend with. And yet, this month this is where you find yourself—often even coming to arguments with friends and allies over perceived values and misunderstood financial dealings. The thing is, you see yourself as a philanthropist or at least as someone who wants to help other people out financially. Whatever way this manifests, through charitable work, donations to causes you deem worthy or even giving up your greatest resource, your time—you may feel misunderstood. The New Moon on the 10 January gives you the chance to focus on what is most important to you. And that may involve telling certain people to mind their own business. As the Full Moon on 24 January approaches, you will be shown how you can remain independent to your own needs whilst maintaining friendships with people who don’t particularly share your views.
For a full article on Sagittarius Anna Nicole Smith, go here

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth was voted Best International Astrologer, 2015 for her dynamic presentation on Astrology and Education. Her book, "Growing Pains" is an exciting development in astrology as it combines classroom teaching experience, sound research and the potential to have a positive impact on struggling adolescents, parents, teachers and those who have been labelled "at risk". For queries, consultations or syndications, please contact Alex via or leave a message in the comment section.

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